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The aim of GOLA (GO LouisianA) is to provide gospel-centered, practical missions experiences to college students. This cooperative missions effort of the Louisiana Baptist Collegiate Ministry team is designed to inspire and connect the next generation of church leaders.

Whether the mission is long or short term in nature, local or international, Louisiana BCMs strive to Reach, Connect, Strengthen, and Mobilize this collegiate generation. 

You can serve in Louisiana, the States, or the World!

Missionary with Kids

GOLA Louisiana

May 28 – July 11, 2025

Six-week team plus training

Live on mission as you travel the state to assist churches in reaching their community through VBS, evangelistic events, and other activities that will help the church take the gospel to people in the area.

Team Members Receive:
Weekly Pay • Meals • Travel • Lodging

GOLA Louisiana is a great way to serve and even save some money for next semester.

This summer has given me a greater appreciation for the local church and how the Lord works among His people!


GOLA States

Choose where to Serve


Seven weeks plus training

This team will serve churches throughout Wyoming in a variety of ways that highlight evangelism. After serving churches in Wyoming, this team will staff Summit Camp in the mountains of Casper. Team members must love evangelism, travel, and adventure.

Cost: $500 for Participants

What is Provided:
Flight • Lodging • Transportation • Most Travel Expenses

In addition, team members receive pay from Summit camp at the end of the summer.


GenSend Summer offers students an opportunity to join God’s great story in some of North America’s greatest cities! It is an immersive exploration of what it means to live intentionally in community while sharing the gospel in a new city.

GOLA World

Various Locations

Travel the world for the Lord while engaging your education, passion and skills to share Christ with others.

GOLA World partners you with an International Mission Board mission at work in the field.

Talk with your local Campus BCM director about how to get the process started by applying through the IMB.

A limited number of $1000 scholarships are available to those who qualify.

I had an amazing summer serving churches in love and compassion.


Step 1: Apply with IMB

Make sure to write down your Trip Reference Number. You will need it when applying for your reimbursement with us.

Step 2: Apply with us

Fill out our application and show us proof of an expense that went towards your mission trip. Then you qualify for the scholarship! It covers up to $1,000 of the costs for your mission trip whether that be a plane ticket, visa, or etc.